Christmas in July - Raising money for Your Town
Recently we had the honour of co-sponsoring the Greater
Springfield Chamber of Commerce’s
Christmas in July event alongside Neil, Kiah and the team at First National Realestate Springfield. This was the fifth year that the
chamber has held the event and the third year that we have co-sponsored it, and boy what an event it was.
We said goodbye to our previous charity and founder Jane from ‘Giving With Love’. Jane has been a wonderful ambassador and we will miss seeing her at the event each year. However, as we said goodbye to ‘Giving With Love’ we also welcomed our new event charity ‘Your Town’. We look forward to working with Maria and team and helping to raise funds and products for DV families.
The sold out event helped to raise over $2500 through purchases of raffle tickets and sponsorship, as well as a large amount of toys and personal goods that where donated on the night, all of which go directly to DV families.